Like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar turning into the butterfly, the human being also undergoes various stages of transformation.
It is a non-fictional poetry book expressing real life experiences about healing, transformation and coming back to your true nature.
Using words to provide you with support in your times of need and giving you tools so you can help heal yourself.
∞ wanting to change the world and learning all you have to do is change yourself
∞ healing from your childhood
∞ quieting the ego
∞ acceptance of having lived a life which you were conditioned to live
∞ navigating through trauma, pains, anger, hurt, many uncomfortable feelings
∞ reconnecting you to your true self, who you truly are
∞ reawakening your inner child, healing your inner child and strengthening that relationship
∞ dealing with generational DNA trauma
∞ understanding others, their actions and the external world
∞ taking full responsibility for everything in your life
∞ reprograming your subconscious mind
∞ understanding new levels of perception
The aim is to help you heal yourself. To provide you with tools to free yourself from internal pain, and many low vibrational feelings. To free yourself from childhood trauma and a conditioned mind. To help you reawaken who you truly are, reconnect with your inner child and what you truly want to do in this world. To help you accept and transform emotions of sadness, anger, hate, guilt and much more keeping you in a low vibrational state of life. To guide you through the whole process in order for you to be free, to live free and to be who you truly are and came here to be in this world.