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Welcome, I’m Isabel, a transformation coach, speaker and self proclaimed Artist in a Suit, helping you become a free human being, full of energy by remembering who you are and what you are made of!

“Individually we can change the world collectively”


I truly believe in order for there to be a global change for a more beautiful and harmonious way of living, it is up to each individual to decide to change and heal themselves, to allow their authentic real nature to shine, so we can each individually, live our most vibrant and exciting life doing what we truly desire to do.

In order to achieve this, its about letting go of the life you thought you have to live, releasing your old identity, by reprograming your subconscious mind, healing and going through darkness to start living in light. Transforming your internal state of being in order to experience a new external reality.

With years of experience, I help you, help yourself to transform and live a life which you truly enjoy. One where you are free, free from living in a conditioned world, free from internal hurts, pain and blockages. One where you are your own boss with your own activity, where you feel happy, fulfilled, excited to wake up in the morning and joyful. One where you are using your unique talents to not only generate a healthy and wealthy life for yourself but in doing so, are simultaneously in service of others, helping this world be a more beautiful place.

Your energy is so valuable, ask yourself where you are giving your energy to, are you fueling an old structure you do not resonate with and do not truly enjoy? Learn to let go of your old beliefs and identity, remember who you truly are, regain your energy, and put your energy to use where you truly desire to see an expansion in the world.

About me

Growing up in an international environment, I had deep rooted beliefs in my subconscious mind, where I was convinced I can only contribute to making a change in the world by being a powerful businesswoman. So I got a double degree bachelor in European management and worked for top multinationals (PMI, IMG, Evian...) before having a burnout by age 24.

I then quit my job and opened my first company, a smoothie company with a smoothie truck, spreading health and awareness about energy.​ 

At this point, I was a successful businesswoman in the eyes of "society" yet inside had years of pain accumulated, was depleted, sad, angry, having lost complete touch to my true, wild, happy, energetic self, hating life and coping with this existence through destructive habits. 

1 year into my company, I almost died, had a climbing accident followed by blood poisoning (sepsis) and was lucky to keep my leg. An incident which changed the trajectory of my life and ultimately after 7 years of self transformation, got me to where I am today, truly being free, full of energy, healed and living a life as my own boss on my own terms, creating whatever I desire through the power of my mind and a healed internal state. ​​


How I transformed myself


After waking up in hospital 3 days later, I felt an internal nudge inform me, I was not yet done with life, and it was time I changed the path I was pursuing. With a deep awareness I needed to heal and learn different ways of how to heal my internal state, reawakening my inner child, quieting my ego self, letting go of my old identity, perception of reality and navigating myself out of darkness I thought "challenge accepted"! 

Not being a fan of western medicine and with a deep feeling it was my mission to learn how to heal myself, I waited to get out of hospital to begin my self healing journey. 

To heal my deep wounds, my hurt, silenced inner child, I reawakened my creative side, everything I always wanted to do, but which I had adopted false beliefs about, judging and fearing to do, ultimately rejecting myself because by creative me was rejected in younger years.


I decided to start modeling, at age 24, and now with an open wound where my flesh was visible for a whole year. Please bare in mind, as I started confronting my shadows on my self healing journey, at this point my confidence (ego) started shattering, making my voice shaky, anxiety seriously kicking in, panic attacks occurring, but since I strongly believe in the power of the mind, this did not stop me from pursuing what I put my mind to. Within that first year, I booked moderation gigs, came third at a local miss competition, did various catwalks and photo shootings.

Reawakening my passion for exploration, to not only heal in nature but expand my level of perception, I started documenting where I went and​​​​​​ then decided to also become a blogger. Within the next year, I created a new website and an Instagram account which quickly gained a following (over 10k) and collaborated with diverse tourism companies and brands.

For 3 years I truly reawakened my inner child, healing deep wounds through self taught tools, finding different ways how to transmute energy, learning from eastern practices such as breathwork, meditation, yoga, sound healing and quantum physics about reprograming the subconscious mind. Learning how to find the root cause and releasing this intense fear, anger and low feelings within and understanding more about perception, consciousness and connection.

Even though the smoothie company was well received, following a severe panic attack at my last event, I then stopped my company, to pursue only my creative ventures. Yet I still didn't feel like I was truly free, doing what really excited me or living that life I craved where I was happy and also serving others.


A year later, I felt a call to drop everything and restructure. So I did that. I stopped modeling, blogging and freelancing, took part time jobs back in the business world (I manifested perfect conditions though, which took little energy out of me, once again it's all the in mind!) to focus purely on healing, during which I also became a certified yoga teacher, wrote a poetry book "A Human Metamorphosis" serving as a guide to help others transform themself and started giving speeches.

A year later and after guiding dozens of people through my own created 5 stage formula which I used on myself, I started my coaching activity, where I help others transform their lives to be free and full of energy sharing my accumulated and self taught wisdom. 

My formula and coaching is aimed for internationals, especially those coming from the business world, as from first hand experience I understand where they are coming from and all they have been through. And by having healed and transformed myself over a spam of 7 years, I packed that knowledge and wisdom into a 5 stage formula. ​


Do you want to be free, regain your energy, live a life you truly enjoy, remember your passion and be your own boss in life?

Then book a free call to see what's the best way for us to work together.

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