Do you want to change the world? Then all you’ve got to do is change yourself
If you want to change the world, all you have to do is change yourself. Many people feel naturally drawn to wanting to change the world. Often its empathic people, who see all the things in the world which are imbalanced and inharmonious. Many have a desire for a more peaceful, equal, enjoyable and beautiful way of life. The secret is though, in order to see that change externally happen on a collective level, all you have to do is change yourself. If you want to understand how, then read on
Desire for global change
Often, it’s a change people actually desire to make within themselves, which they start doing externally. Many people strive to no longer feel angry about the world, or to no longer have low vibrational feelings like hate or sadness so they will try to create a change externally in the world, to no longer feel these feelings.
No matter how long they try to create that change externally, it won't release the feelings felt within. Therefore instead of imposing things onto others, or constantly working towards some change, you only need to work on yourself, internally, which will have an effect externally.
Change yourself
If you want to see more love, kindness, happiness, joy, peace and equality in the world, then show that through your actions. Be loving and kind to yourself, how you treat yourself and others in your immediate environment.
If you want to see people be kind to another and lend a help hand then for example, smile at strangers you see on the street, these small acts of kindness go such a long way and truly have a deep immediate positive impact!
If you want to see more peace and less aggression, then be and act peaceful in all situations in life.
If you want to see people treat animals well, then you do all you can to treat animals well, by not using certain products or be come more conscious about your consumption habits and sources.
Work on all your demons and your shadow. Look at all wounds, habits, ways of being which are not favourable to yourself nor the world and work on yourself. Heal, release, let go of any feelings and emotions which keep you from feeling loving emotions, as these can have strong results to yourself and those around you.
The change you make, impacts others
I’m sure you’ve heard the quote “be the change you wish to see in the world”. This quote refers to how you act internally and not externally. With all your attributes within you, the way you feel and think and then of course the actions you take in life, that’s how you can make a change. By being a beautiful soul, a healed being in this world and that impacts others.
Since we are all connected, when you change yourself, so you decide to start healing and working on yourself, well you immediately impact the energetic field connecting every human being. Therefore when you, let go of low vibrational frequencies – unpleasant emotions, through healing and self-work, then you raise the frequency which you vibrate at and thus impact the collective energetic field. So the more of us which do work on ourselves and raise that field, well the more the collective field which everyone is connected to rises.
Shift the frequency which you vibrate at
Since we are all collectively connected through an energetic field, whenever you shift the frequency you vibrate at, it impacts the overall energetic field which everyone is connected to.
The more people that vibrate at higher frequencies, the easier it is for others to shift the frequency they vibrate on.
Whenever you change yourself, so whenever you shift the frequency you vibrate at, you heal parts in you. This means that you are healing for those around you, in your environment and those close to you. It’s done indirectly, on an energetic level.
By raising your frequency, you will impact everyone you encounter in your life. They will feel your energy and also want that, getting them to contemplate how to do that. You will equally plant seeds wherever you go.
Work on yourself, heal yourself, shift the frequency you vibrate on because changing yourself, speaks for itself and impacts others. There’s no need to ever impose or tell others how to be. Simply be your radiant magnificent self , and that’s impact enough ;) That’s how when you change, you can contribute to changing the world.
As I always say:
“Individually we can change the world collectively”
If you are looking for change and shift, and don’t know where to start, well check out my poetry book which serves as a guide to help you shift and change yourself.
We are generation change!
Yours truly,
© Isabel